Java can be used for two main purposes:
- For Creating Application
- For Creating Applets
What is difference between an Application and an Applet ?
Application is the program which can be executed (run ) on windows.While an Applet is a program which can't be executed on windows , it can only be used on websites.
Benefit of using Java over C and C++ language:
Java resembles a lot with C and C++ languages ( in Syntax ).While Java is becoming popular day by day because it has an upper hand on C and C++ languages, and the benefit of using Java is that there is no virus yet invented which can be executed in Java based programs.While in C and C++ based programs , virus can be easily inserted in them.
Hence , Java is a more secure language than C and C++ .
Why Java is called as Java ?
Mike Sheridan , James Gosling and Patrick Naughton initiated a project for a new computer language.Initially it was named as "Oak" , on the name of Oak tree that was present in front of Gosling's office.
Then it was renamed as "Green" and then it was known as "Java" on the name of Java Coffee.
JRE ( Java Runtime Environment ) consists of JVM (Java Virtual Machine ) and class libraries.Hence it contains the things required to start a Java program.
While JDK ( Java Development Kit ) consists of JVM , class libraries and Development kit.Hence it contains all the required tools to create and run a Java program.
That was the introduction of Java Language.
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Credits: Pictures by Shutterstock
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